As we all grow older our thoughts start to turn to how we protect ourselves and our loved ones in the event that we are unable to properly care for ourselves. We offer solutions that can pay when you need care in a Nursing Home (Skilled Care), Assisted Living or even at home with a Home Health care provider.

Long term care insurance will respond typically when you are unable to perform 2 of the 6 Activities of Daily living (ADL’s).
- Eating
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Transferring
- Toileting
- Continence
Long Term care insurance premiums can escalate quickly the older you get, so looking at purchasing this in your pre-retirement years would be wise. Also, do not assume that your family will be able to or will be willing to provide you with this care if you choose to not purchase this coverage. For people that have been in this situation before it is mentally and physically exhausting.
There is a great deal of information available at your finger tips regarding Long Term care insurance.
We are linking you to just one resource.